001    package dk.i1.sctp;
002    /**An SCTP chunk, data or notification.
003    {@link SCTPSocket#receive} returns instances that are subclasses of SCTPChunk.
004    *The actual type depends on what happened. The most commonly received chunk is SCTPData.
005    <p>
006    Class hierarchy:
007    <pre>
008    {@link SCTPChunk}
009            {@link SCTPData}
010            {@link SCTPNotification}
011                    {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChange}
012                            {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChangeCommUp}
013                            {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChangeCommLost}
014                            {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChangeRestart}
015                            {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChangeShutdownComplete}
016                            {@link SCTPNotificationAssociationChangeCantStartAssociation}
017                    {@link SCTPNotificationPeerAddressChange}
018                    {@link SCTPNotificationRemoteError}
019                    {@link SCTPNotificationSendFailed}
020                    {@link SCTPNotificationShutdownEvent}
021                    {@link SCTPNotificationAdaptationIndication}
022                    {@link SCTPNotificationPartialDeliveryEvent}
023    </pre>            
024    */
026    public abstract class SCTPChunk {
027    }