Ivan's top for HP-UX (pa-risc and itanium)

This "top" version for hp-ux is an alternative top the default hp-ux top.

I got fed up with the brain-dead top on HP-UX and I also wanted to learn a bit about programming with libcurses. So I developed a top alternative



Building top yourself

Edit the makefile. Some of the lines are commented out. Have fun.

Missing features

Other alternatives

unixtop (unixtop homepage, unixtop at sourceforge) also works quite well.

Maybe something has turned up at The HP-UX Porting Centre


07:42  up 62 days 12:02,  load average:	0.52, 0.51, 0.51
120 processes: 110 sleeping, 10	running, 0 stopped, 0 zombie, 0	idle, 0	other
CPU states:   0	 0.30% user,  0.00% nice,  0.00% sys, 99.70% idle,  0.00% intr
              1	 0.00% user, 99.99% nice,  0.00% sys,  0.01% idle,  0.00% intr
Mem:  4186208K total,  135104K used, 2563376K free
Swap: 4194304K total, 4013496K used,  180808K free

Pid   User     Pri NI  vsz   res   Share Stat %cpu   %mem   time  Command      
17151 kiste    255  39 19900 14748     0 r	99.9	0.4 95:16 ./a.out test.
   40 root     152  20	   0 16064     0 r	 4.6	0.4 28:25 vxfsd
17965 isj4     178  20	5092  1552     0 r	 0.3	0.0  0:00 ./top
  571 root     152  20 12372  3020     0 r	 0.1	0.1  0:46 fs/automountd
   29 root     152  20	   0   256     0 r	 0.1	0.0 16:51 schedcpu
    0 root     127  20	   0	80     0 s	 0.0	0.0 40:01 swapper
  574 root     152  20	   0   256     0 r	 0.0	0.0  1:42 autofs_proc
  323 root     152  20	5272   944     0 r	 0.0	0.0  1:49 r/sbin/syncer