Things you can do at home when you are bored
Danish version
- Find your fishing rod and try to catch a sausage from your neighbour's barbequeue.
- Sort your granola/müsli.
- Mix the pieces from two jigsaw puzzles and see if you can solve it.
- Find your largest sports bag and try to crawl into it.
- Try to fit other people inside your largest sports bag.
- Cut your potted plants so they look like animals.
- Make a model of the Battle of Thermopylae by using different pasta shapes, e.g. fusilli and farfalle. If possible, use orecchiette and lumaconi for the sea battle.
- Cut your potted plants so they look like potted plants.
- Sort your socks according to how many stripes they have.
- Count how many ceramic tiles you have in your home.
- Sort your underwear according to how many stripes it has.
- Learn to sing "I am the very model of a modern major-general"
- See how long you can hold your breath.
- Invent new dishes by combining different ingredients, e.g. yoghurt with brocolli, ice cream with deep-fried onions, or tuna with spearmint.
- Invent nonsensical product names and ask webshops when they will have them in stock again, e.g. "When you you have snerples again?"
- Put M&Ms on the floor and pretend you are Pacman without using your hands.

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