Notes General: All API functions are subject to NT's security system. Some handles are mapped to internal handles by the emulation layer in order to remember things that NT doesn't. These mapped handles are stored in handle tables which does not allow simultaneous access by more that N threads, where N is a suitably value selected by me. Most error codes are interpreted but some are passed back directly. Most error native NT error codes are the same for OS/2 so it will most likely work, but you may get errors that you would not under OS/2. Files: At most ~5 files can be accessed at a time. The emulation layer tries to release the locks in order to allow DosClose() to abort i/o in other threads but do not rely on it. At most 50 files can be open. Handle 0, 1 and 2 are mapped correctly to NT's STD_INPUT_HANDLE, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE and STD_ERROR_HANDLE EAs are not supported. Attempts to retrieve or set EAs will fail. DosOpen() disk-relative filenames ("") may not work If openflags are set to OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW|OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_EXISTS the call will fail. OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL is mapped to NT's FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM is mapped to NT's FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS DosQueryHType() bit 7 (0x80) are always set because it is not possible to retrieve the information under NT, so it is best to assume the worst. DosSetMaxFH() anything but 50 handles fais DosSetRelMaxFH() 50 is always returned in *pcbCurMaxFH DosCancelLockRequest() Is only a stub that returns 50 (error_not_supported) DosFindFirst() A maximum of 50 open HDIRs is supported - remember to call DosFindClose() DosForceDelete() is the same as DosDelete() DosCopy() DCPY_APPEND is not supported DosEditName Is only a stub that fails DosSetDefaultDisk NT does not support CWDs on anything but the current disk. CWDs are remembered like BC4 (envvars), but DosOpen() and DosFindFirst() does not honour them. DosQueryCurrentDir() with disknum=0 (default) a UNC path may be returned DosQueryVerify()/DosSetVerify() verify flag is remembered but ignored DosSetPathInfo() Is only a stub that fails DosQueryFSInfo fails if disknum=0 and CWD is a UNC path DosSetFSInfo fails if disknum=0 and CWD is a UNC path volume serial number is not set Memory: Nothing is remembered, so access protection etc. is calculated from what NT tells us. For instance, pages with PAG_GUARD attribute on this attribute is remembered and PAG_READ/PAG_WRITE... is forgotten Uncomitted pages does not have any attributes. Shared memory is supported but at most 64 shared objects system-wide can by present at a time. Shared memory is allocated from 0x10520000. If this area has been used by something else shared memory cannot be used. DosGiveSharedMem() Slow compared to native OS/2 DosSubSetMem() Shared memory heaps are not supported DosQuerySysInfo Some information is made up. DLLs DosLoadModule "not_emulated" is returned in pszFailName DosQueryProcType PT_32BIT is always returned in *pulproctype Named pipes Nonblocking named pipes are not supported Named pipe event semaphores are not supported DosCallNPipe Bypasses file handle mapping table DosCreateNPipe Specifying 0 as maxinstances will fail Default pipe wait time is 50msec DosQueryNPHState If more that 255 instances exist 255 will be returned DosQueryNPipeInfo infolevels other 1 are not supported DosQueryNPipeSemState Is stub that always fails DosSetNPipeSem Is stub that always fails Processes/threads Max 4096 threads are suported Thread IDs are mapped since NT TIDs cannot be used for anything DosBeep() doesn't DosExecPgm Debugging is not supported "not_supported" is always returned in pObjname Queues Slow compared to OS/2 Semaphores Shared mutex semaphores are partially supported. Shared event semaphores are partially supported. shared muxwait semaphores are not supported. MuxWait semaphores are handle-mapped. Max 10 MuxWait operations at a time DosResetEventSem Post count is not remembered so only 0 or 1 is returned in *pulPostCount DosQueryEventSem Post count is not remembered so only 0 or 1 is returned in *pulPostCount DosOpenEventSem Always fails for unnamed event semaphores