; assmbler file for use with VAC++ ; Assumes _Optlink calling convention which uses EAX, EDX, ECX in that order ; for passing parameters, space is reserved for the parameters but not used .386p callpeek_TEXT segment para public use32 'CODE' assume cs:callpeek_TEXT assume ds:nothing __nw__FUi proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_new add esp,08h ret __nw__FUi endp __dl__FPv proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_delete add esp,08h ret __dl__FPv endp __vn__FUi proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_new_array add esp,08h ret __vn__FUi endp __vd__FPv proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_delete_array add esp,08h ret __vd__FPv endp malloc proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_malloc add esp,08h ret malloc endp free proc near mov edx,[esp] sub esp,08h call dbg_free add esp,08h ret free endp realloc proc near mov ecx,[esp] sub esp,0ch call dbg_realloc add esp,0ch ret realloc endp calloc proc near mov ecx,[esp] sub esp,0ch call dbg_calloc add esp,0ch ret calloc endp heap_panic proc near int 3 ret heap_panic endp PUBLIC __nw__FUi PUBLIC __vn__FUi PUBLIC __dl__FPv PUBLIC __vd__FPv PUBLIC malloc PUBLIC free PUBLIC realloc PUBLIC calloc PUBLIC heap_panic extrn dbg_new:near extrn dbg_delete:near extrn dbg_new_array:near extrn dbg_delete_array:near extrn dbg_malloc:near extrn dbg_free:near extrn dbg_realloc:near extrn dbg_calloc:near callpeek_TEXT ends end