Module: D:\source\os2\hdrexp\hdrexp.cpp Group: 'DGROUP' CONST,CONST2,_DATA,_BSS Segment: _TEXT PARA USE32 0000056d bytes #include #include #include int currentLevel=0; int maxLevel=1; FILE *ofp; const char **includedirs; static FILE *openFileSomewhere(const char *filename) { 0000 __iobuf near * near openFileSomewhere( char const near * ): 0000 53 push ebx 0001 51 push ecx 0002 52 push edx 0003 56 push esi 0004 57 push edi 0005 55 push ebp 0006 89 e5 mov ebp,esp 0008 81 ec 10 01 00 00 sub esp,00000110H 000e 89 45 fc mov -4H[ebp],eax const char **p=includedirs; 0011 a1 00 00 00 00 mov eax,char const near * near * near includedirs 0016 89 45 f8 mov -8H[ebp],eax while(*p) { //build name char name[256]; 0019 8b 45 f8 L1 mov eax,-8H[ebp] 001c 83 38 00 cmp dword ptr [eax],00000000H 001f 74 51 je L3 strcpy(name,*p); 0021 8b 55 f8 mov edx,-8H[ebp] 0024 8b 12 mov edx,[edx] 0026 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff lea eax,-110H[ebp] 002c e8 00 00 00 00 call strcpy_ strcat(name,"/"); 0031 ba 00 00 00 00 mov edx,offset L59 0036 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff lea eax,-110H[ebp] 003c e8 00 00 00 00 call strcat_ strcat(name,filename); 0041 8b 55 fc mov edx,-4H[ebp] 0044 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff lea eax,-110H[ebp] 004a e8 00 00 00 00 call strcat_ FILE *ifp=fopen(name,"rt"); 004f ba 02 00 00 00 mov edx,offset L60 0054 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff lea eax,-110H[ebp] 005a e8 00 00 00 00 call fopen_ 005f 89 45 f0 mov -10H[ebp],eax if(ifp) 0062 83 7d f0 00 cmp dword ptr -10H[ebp],00000000H 0066 74 08 je L2 return ifp; 0068 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 006b 89 45 f4 mov -0cH[ebp],eax 006e eb 09 jmp L4 } 0070 eb a7 L2 jmp L1 return NULL; 0072 c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00 L3 mov dword ptr -0cH[ebp],00000000H } 0079 8b 45 f4 L4 mov eax,-0cH[ebp] 007c 89 ec mov esp,ebp 007e 5d pop ebp 007f 5f pop edi 0080 5e pop esi 0081 5a pop edx 0082 59 pop ecx 0083 5b pop ebx 0084 c3 ret 0085 8d 40 00 lea eax,+0H[eax] static FILE *openFileHere(const char *filename) { 0088 __iobuf near * near openFileHere( char const near * ): 0088 53 push ebx 0089 51 push ecx 008a 52 push edx 008b 56 push esi 008c 57 push edi 008d 55 push ebp 008e 89 e5 mov ebp,esp 0090 81 ec 0c 00 00 00 sub esp,0000000cH 0096 89 45 fc mov -4H[ebp],eax FILE *ifp=fopen(filename,"rt"); 0099 ba 05 00 00 00 mov edx,offset L61 009e 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 00a1 e8 00 00 00 00 call fopen_ 00a6 89 45 f8 mov -8H[ebp],eax if(ifp) 00a9 83 7d f8 00 cmp dword ptr -8H[ebp],00000000H 00ad 74 08 je L5 return ifp; else 00af 8b 45 f8 mov eax,-8H[ebp] 00b2 89 45 f4 mov -0cH[ebp],eax 00b5 eb 0b jmp L6 return openFileSomewhere(filename); 00b7 8b 45 fc L5 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 00ba e8 00 00 00 00 call __iobuf near * near openFileSomewhere( char const near * ) 00bf 89 45 f4 mov -0cH[ebp],eax } 00c2 8b 45 f4 L6 mov eax,-0cH[ebp] 00c5 89 ec mov esp,ebp 00c7 5d pop ebp 00c8 5f pop edi 00c9 5e pop esi 00ca 5a pop edx 00cb 59 pop ecx 00cc 5b pop ebx 00cd c3 ret 00ce 8b c0 mov eax,eax static int defDump(const char *line) { 00d0 int near defDump( char const near * ): 00d0 53 push ebx 00d1 51 push ecx 00d2 52 push edx 00d3 56 push esi 00d4 57 push edi 00d5 55 push ebp 00d6 89 e5 mov ebp,esp 00d8 81 ec 08 00 00 00 sub esp,00000008H 00de 89 45 fc mov -4H[ebp],eax if(fputs(line,ofp)==EOF) { 00e1 8b 15 00 00 00 00 mov edx,__iobuf near * near ofp 00e7 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 00ea e8 00 00 00 00 call fputs_ 00ef 83 f8 ff cmp eax,0ffffffffH 00f2 75 1d jne L7 fprintf(stderr,"hdrexp: write error\n"); 00f4 b8 08 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L62 00f9 50 push eax 00fa b8 34 00 00 00 mov eax,offset ___iob+34H 00ff 50 push eax 0100 e8 00 00 00 00 call fprintf_ 0105 83 c4 08 add esp,00000008H return -1; } else 0108 c7 45 f8 ff ff ff ff mov dword ptr -8H[ebp],0ffffffffH 010f eb 07 jmp L8 return 0; 0111 c7 45 f8 00 00 00 00 L7 mov dword ptr -8H[ebp],00000000H } static int expandFile(FILE *ifp); 0118 8b 45 f8 L8 mov eax,-8H[ebp] 011b 89 ec mov esp,ebp 011d 5d pop ebp 011e 5f pop edi 011f 5e pop esi 0120 5a pop edx 0121 59 pop ecx 0122 5b pop ebx 0123 c3 ret static int processLine(const char *line) { 0124 int near processLine( char const near * ): 0124 53 push ebx 0125 51 push ecx 0126 52 push edx 0127 56 push esi 0128 57 push edi 0129 55 push ebp 012a 89 e5 mov ebp,esp 012c 81 ec 20 01 00 00 sub esp,00000120H 0132 89 45 fc mov -4H[ebp],eax if(currentLevel>maxLevel) return defDump(line); 0135 a1 00 00 00 00 mov eax,int near currentLevel 013a 3b 05 00 00 00 00 cmp eax,int near maxLevel 0140 7e 10 jle L9 0142 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0145 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near defDump( char const near * ) 014a 89 45 e0 mov -20H[ebp],eax 014d e9 20 02 00 00 jmp L45 const char *p=line; 0152 8b 45 fc L9 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0155 89 45 f0 mov -10H[ebp],eax while(*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++; 0158 8b 45 f0 L10 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 015b 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 015d 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0162 83 f8 20 cmp eax,00000020H 0165 74 0f je L11 0167 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 016a 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 016c 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0171 83 f8 09 cmp eax,00000009H 0174 75 08 jne L12 0176 8b 45 f0 L11 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0179 ff 45 f0 inc dword ptr -10H[ebp] 017c eb da jmp L10 if(*p!='#') return defDump(line); 017e 8b 45 f0 L12 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0181 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 0183 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0188 83 f8 23 cmp eax,00000023H 018b 74 10 je L13 018d 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0190 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near defDump( char const near * ) 0195 89 45 e0 mov -20H[ebp],eax 0198 e9 d5 01 00 00 jmp L45 p++; 019d 8b 45 f0 L13 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01a0 ff 45 f0 inc dword ptr -10H[ebp] while(*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++; if(p[0]!='i' || 01a3 8b 45 f0 L14 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01a6 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 01a8 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 01ad 83 f8 20 cmp eax,00000020H 01b0 74 0f je L15 01b2 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01b5 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 01b7 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 01bc 83 f8 09 cmp eax,00000009H 01bf 75 08 jne L16 01c1 8b 45 f0 L15 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01c4 ff 45 f0 inc dword ptr -10H[ebp] 01c7 eb da jmp L14 p[1]!='n' || p[1]!='c' || p[1]!='l' || p[1]!='u' || p[1]!='d' || p[1]!='e') 01c9 8b 45 f0 L16 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01cc 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 01ce 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 01d3 83 f8 69 cmp eax,00000069H 01d6 75 10 jne L17 01d8 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01db 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 01de 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 01e3 83 f8 6e cmp eax,0000006eH 01e6 74 02 je L18 01e8 eb 10 L17 jmp L19 01ea 8b 45 f0 L18 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01ed 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 01f0 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 01f5 83 f8 63 cmp eax,00000063H 01f8 74 02 je L20 01fa eb 10 L19 jmp L21 01fc 8b 45 f0 L20 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 01ff 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 0202 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0207 83 f8 6c cmp eax,0000006cH 020a 74 02 je L22 020c eb 10 L21 jmp L23 020e 8b 45 f0 L22 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0211 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 0214 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0219 83 f8 75 cmp eax,00000075H 021c 74 02 je L24 021e eb 10 L23 jmp L25 0220 8b 45 f0 L24 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0223 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 0226 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 022b 83 f8 64 cmp eax,00000064H 022e 74 02 je L26 0230 eb 10 L25 jmp L27 0232 8b 45 f0 L26 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0235 8a 40 01 mov al,+1H[eax] 0238 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 023d 83 f8 65 cmp eax,00000065H 0240 74 10 je L28 return defDump(line); 0242 8b 45 fc L27 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0245 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near defDump( char const near * ) 024a 89 45 e0 mov -20H[ebp],eax 024d e9 20 01 00 00 jmp L45 p+=7; 0252 83 45 f0 07 L28 add dword ptr -10H[ebp],00000007H while(*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++; char echar; 0256 8b 45 f0 L29 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0259 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 025b 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0260 83 f8 20 cmp eax,00000020H 0263 74 0f je L30 0265 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0268 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 026a 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 026f 83 f8 09 cmp eax,00000009H 0272 75 08 jne L31 0274 8b 45 f0 L30 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0277 ff 45 f0 inc dword ptr -10H[ebp] 027a eb da jmp L29 if(*p=='<') 027c 8b 45 f0 L31 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 027f 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 0281 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 0286 83 f8 3c cmp eax,0000003cH 0289 75 06 jne L32 echar='>'; 028b c6 45 f8 3e mov byte ptr -8H[ebp],3eH 028f eb 25 jmp L34 else if(*p=='"') 0291 8b 45 f0 L32 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0294 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 0296 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 029b 83 f8 22 cmp eax,00000022H 029e 75 06 jne L33 echar='"'; else 02a0 c6 45 f8 22 mov byte ptr -8H[ebp],22H 02a4 eb 10 jmp L34 return defDump(line); 02a6 8b 45 fc L33 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 02a9 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near defDump( char const near * ) 02ae 89 45 e0 mov -20H[ebp],eax 02b1 e9 bc 00 00 00 jmp L45 const char *start=p+1; 02b6 8b 45 f0 L34 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 02b9 40 inc eax 02ba 89 45 e8 mov -18H[ebp],eax const char *end=start+1; 02bd 8b 45 e8 mov eax,-18H[ebp] 02c0 40 inc eax 02c1 89 45 ec mov -14H[ebp],eax while(*end && *end!=echar) end++; 02c4 8b 45 ec L35 mov eax,-14H[ebp] 02c7 80 38 00 cmp byte ptr [eax],00H 02ca 74 10 je L36 02cc 8b 45 ec mov eax,-14H[ebp] 02cf 31 d2 xor edx,edx 02d1 8a 10 mov dl,[eax] 02d3 31 c0 xor eax,eax 02d5 8a 45 f8 mov al,-8H[ebp] 02d8 39 c2 cmp edx,eax 02da 75 02 jne L37 02dc eb 08 L36 jmp L38 02de 8b 45 ec L37 mov eax,-14H[ebp] 02e1 ff 45 ec inc dword ptr -14H[ebp] 02e4 eb de jmp L35 if(!*end) 02e6 8b 45 ec L38 mov eax,-14H[ebp] 02e9 80 38 00 cmp byte ptr [eax],00H 02ec 75 10 jne L39 return defDump(line); char incName[256]; 02ee 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 02f1 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near defDump( char const near * ) 02f6 89 45 e0 mov -20H[ebp],eax 02f9 e9 74 00 00 00 jmp L45 char *d=incName; 02fe 8d 85 e0 fe ff ff L39 lea eax,-120H[ebp] 0304 89 45 e4 mov -1cH[ebp],eax while(start [-] [includedir...]\n"); 0413 b8 2c 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L64 0418 50 push eax 0419 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf_ 041e 83 c4 04 add esp,00000004H printf(" infile input header file\n"); 0421 b8 6c 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L65 0426 50 push eax 0427 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf_ 042c 83 c4 04 add esp,00000004H printf(" outfile output header file\n"); 042f b8 8d 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L66 0434 50 push eax 0435 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf_ 043a 83 c4 04 add esp,00000004H printf(" maxlevel maximum expand level (default=1)\n"); 043d b8 af 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L67 0442 50 push eax 0443 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf_ 0448 83 c4 04 add esp,00000004H printf(" includedir include directories\n"); 044b b8 df 00 00 00 mov eax,offset L68 0450 50 push eax 0451 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf_ 0456 83 c4 04 add esp,00000004H return 1; } 0459 c7 45 ec 01 00 00 00 mov dword ptr -14H[ebp],00000001H 0460 e9 fd 00 00 00 jmp L58 FILE *ifp=fopen(argv[1],"rt"); 0465 ba 02 01 00 00 L50 mov edx,offset L69 046a 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 046d 8b 40 04 mov eax,+4H[eax] 0470 e8 00 00 00 00 call fopen_ 0475 89 45 f0 mov -10H[ebp],eax if(!ifp) { 0478 83 7d f0 00 cmp dword ptr -10H[ebp],00000000H 047c 75 26 jne L51 fprintf(stderr,"hdrexp: could not open %s\n",argv[1]); 047e 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0481 ff 70 04 push +4H[eax] 0484 b8 05 01 00 00 mov eax,offset L70 0489 50 push eax 048a b8 34 00 00 00 mov eax,offset ___iob+34H 048f 50 push eax 0490 e8 00 00 00 00 call fprintf_ 0495 83 c4 0c add esp,0000000cH return 2; } 0498 c7 45 ec 02 00 00 00 mov dword ptr -14H[ebp],00000002H 049f e9 be 00 00 00 jmp L58 ofp=fopen(argv[2],"wt"); 04a4 ba 20 01 00 00 L51 mov edx,offset L71 04a9 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 04ac 8b 40 08 mov eax,+8H[eax] 04af e8 00 00 00 00 call fopen_ 04b4 a3 00 00 00 00 mov __iobuf near * near ofp,eax if(!ofp) { 04b9 83 3d 00 00 00 00 00 cmp dword ptr __iobuf near * near ofp,00000000H 04c0 75 26 jne L52 fprintf(stderr,"hdrexp: could not create %s\n",argv[2]); 04c2 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 04c5 ff 70 08 push +8H[eax] 04c8 b8 23 01 00 00 mov eax,offset L72 04cd 50 push eax 04ce b8 34 00 00 00 mov eax,offset ___iob+34H 04d3 50 push eax 04d4 e8 00 00 00 00 call fprintf_ 04d9 83 c4 0c add esp,0000000cH return 3; } int r; 04dc c7 45 ec 03 00 00 00 mov dword ptr -14H[ebp],00000003H 04e3 e9 7a 00 00 00 jmp L58 if(argv[3] && argv[3][0]=='-') { 04e8 8b 45 fc L52 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 04eb 83 78 0c 00 cmp dword ptr +0cH[eax],00000000H 04ef 74 12 je L53 04f1 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 04f4 8b 40 0c mov eax,+0cH[eax] 04f7 8a 00 mov al,[eax] 04f9 25 ff 00 00 00 and eax,000000ffH 04fe 83 f8 2d cmp eax,0000002dH 0501 74 02 je L54 0503 eb 1e L53 jmp L55 maxLevel=atoi(argv[2]+1); 0505 8b 45 fc L54 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0508 8b 40 08 mov eax,+8H[eax] 050b 40 inc eax 050c e8 00 00 00 00 call atoi_ 0511 a3 00 00 00 00 mov int near maxLevel,eax includedirs=argv+4; 0516 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0519 83 c0 10 add eax,00000010H 051c a3 00 00 00 00 mov char const near * near * near includedirs,eax } else 0521 eb 0b jmp L56 includedirs=argv+3; 0523 8b 45 fc L55 mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0526 83 c0 0c add eax,0000000cH 0529 a3 00 00 00 00 mov char const near * near * near includedirs,eax r=expandFile(ifp); 052e 8b 45 f0 L56 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 0531 e8 00 00 00 00 call int near expandFile( __iobuf near * ) 0536 89 45 f4 mov -0cH[ebp],eax fclose(ifp); 0539 8b 45 f0 mov eax,-10H[ebp] 053c e8 00 00 00 00 call fclose_ fclose(ofp); 0541 a1 00 00 00 00 mov eax,__iobuf near * near ofp 0546 e8 00 00 00 00 call fclose_ if(r) { 054b 83 7d f4 00 cmp dword ptr -0cH[ebp],00000000H 054f 74 0b je L57 remove(argv[2]); } 0551 8b 45 fc mov eax,-4H[ebp] 0554 8b 40 08 mov eax,+8H[eax] 0557 e8 00 00 00 00 call remove_ return r; 055c 8b 45 f4 L57 mov eax,-0cH[ebp] 055f 89 45 ec mov -14H[ebp],eax } 0562 8b 45 ec L58 mov eax,-14H[ebp] 0565 89 ec mov esp,ebp 0567 5d pop ebp 0568 5f pop edi 0569 5e pop esi 056a 59 pop ecx 056b 5b pop ebx 056c c3 ret No disassembly errors ------------------------------------------------------------ Segment: CONST DWORD USE32 00000140 bytes 0000 2f 00 L59 - /. 0002 72 74 00 L60 - rt. 0005 72 74 00 L61 - rt. 0008 68 64 72 65 78 70 3a 20 L62 - hdrexp: 0010 77 72 69 74 65 20 65 72 - write er 0018 72 6f 72 0a 00 - ror.. 001d 68 64 72 65 78 70 20 2d L63 - hdrexp - 0025 20 76 31 2e 30 0a 00 - v1.0.. 002c 55 73 61 67 65 3a 20 68 L64 - Usage: h 0034 64 72 65 78 70 20 3c 69 - drexp < 0044 6f 75 74 66 69 6c 65 3e - outfile> 004c 20 5b 2d 3c 6d 61 78 6c - [-] [ 005c 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 64 - included 0064 69 72 2e 2e 2e 5d 0a 00 - ir...].. 006c 20 69 6e 66 69 6c 65 20 L65 - infile 0074 20 20 20 20 20 20 69 6e - in 007c 70 75 74 20 68 65 61 64 - put head 0084 65 72 20 66 69 6c 65 0a - er file. 008c 00 - . 008d 20 6f 75 74 66 69 6c 65 L66 - outfile 0095 20 20 20 20 20 20 6f 75 - ou 009d 74 70 75 74 20 68 65 61 - tput hea 00a5 64 65 72 20 66 69 6c 65 - der file 00ad 0a 00 - .. 00af 20 6d 61 78 6c 65 76 65 L67 - maxleve 00b7 6c 20 20 20 20 20 6d 61 - l ma 00bf 78 69 6d 75 6d 20 65 78 - ximum ex 00c7 70 61 6e 64 20 6c 65 76 - pand lev 00cf 65 6c 20 28 64 65 66 61 - el (defa 00d7 75 6c 74 3d 31 29 0a 00 - ult=1).. 00df 20 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 L68 - include 00e7 64 69 72 20 20 20 69 6e - dir in 00ef 63 6c 75 64 65 20 64 69 - clude di 00f7 72 65 63 74 6f 72 69 65 - rectorie 00ff 73 0a 00 - s.. 0102 72 74 00 L69 - rt. 0105 68 64 72 65 78 70 3a 20 L70 - hdrexp: 010d 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f - could no 0115 74 20 6f 70 65 6e 20 25 - t open % 011d 73 0a 00 - s.. 0120 77 74 00 L71 - wt. 0123 68 64 72 65 78 70 3a 20 L72 - hdrexp: 012b 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f - could no 0133 74 20 63 72 65 61 74 65 - t create 013b 20 25 73 0a 00 - %s.. No disassembly errors ------------------------------------------------------------ Segment: _DATA DWORD USE32 00000004 bytes 0000 int near maxLevel LABEL BYTE 0000 01 00 00 00 - .... No disassembly errors ------------------------------------------------------------ Segment: _BSS DWORD USE32 0000000c bytes No disassembly errors ------------------------------------------------------------ Segment: $$SYMBOLS BYTE USE16 00000202 bytes 0000 15 12 - .. 0002 00 00 00 00 00 00 DP int near currentLevel 0008 0c 63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 - .current 0010 4c 65 76 65 6c 11 12 - Level.. 0017 00 00 00 00 00 00 DP int near maxLevel 001d 0c 6d 61 78 4c 65 76 65 - .maxLeve 0025 6c 0c 12 - l.. 0028 00 00 00 00 00 00 DP __iobuf near * near ofp 002e 24 6f 66 70 14 12 - $ofp.. 0034 00 00 00 00 00 00 DP char const near * near * near includedirs 003a 26 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 - &include 0042 64 69 72 73 08 32 - dirs.2 0048 00 00 00 00 00 00 DP __iobuf near * near openFileSomewhere( char const near * ) 004e 0c 23 21 00 00 00 4f 00 - .#!...O. 0056 00 00 6c 00 0a 11 11 f0 - ..l..... 005e fe 27 6e 61 6d 65 08 11 - .'name.. 0066 10 f0 24 69 66 70 0c 23 - ..$ifp.# 006e 21 00 00 00 4f 00 00 00 - !...O... 0076 78 00 29 24 00 00 00 00 - x.)$.... 007e 85 00 00 00 00 00 0e 09 - ........ 0086 18 00 00 00 28 30 1c 01 - ....(0.. 008e 30 1c 6f 70 65 6e 46 69 - 0.openFi 0096 6c 65 53 6f 6d 65 77 68 - leSomewh 009e 65 72 65 0d 11 10 fc 25 - ere....% 00a6 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 - filename 00ae 06 11 10 f8 26 70 24 24 - ....&p$$ 00b6 88 00 00 00 46 00 00 00 - ....F... 00be 00 00 0e 09 18 00 00 00 - ........ 00c6 28 30 1c 01 30 1c 6f 70 - (0..0.op 00ce 65 6e 46 69 6c 65 48 65 - enFileHe 00d6 72 65 0d 11 10 fc 25 66 - re....%f 00de 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 08 - ilename. 00e6 11 10 f8 24 69 66 70 1f - ...$ifp. 00ee 24 d0 00 00 00 54 00 00 - $....T.. 00f6 00 00 00 0e 09 18 00 00 - ........ 00fe 00 29 30 1c 01 30 1c 64 - .)0..0.d 0106 65 66 44 75 6d 70 09 11 - efDump.. 010e 10 fc 25 6c 69 6e 65 0c - ..%line. 0116 23 91 02 00 00 25 00 00 - #....%.. 011e 00 21 01 23 24 24 01 00 - .!.#$$.. 0126 00 5a 02 00 00 00 00 0e - .Z...... 012e 09 18 00 00 00 29 30 1c - .....)0. 0136 01 30 1c 70 72 6f 63 65 - .0.proce 013e 73 73 4c 69 6e 65 09 11 - 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