:userdoc. .* Dette er Ivan fantastiske hj‘lpetest :docprof toc=1234. :title.Ivans test :h1.BIF :p. Bif is an abbrevation of Basic Interface Library :h2.BIF/Thread :p. The BIF/Thread subsystem manages multitasking. :h3.Thread :p. A thread is a process that shares address space with other threads. :h4.Thread&colon.&colon.setPriority :p. Declaration&colon. :xmp. int Thread&colon.&colon.setPriority(int p); :exmp. :p. setPriority changes the priority of the thread. By doing so the thread will recieve more (or less) timeslices than other threads. :h2.BIF/Window :p. The BIF/Window subsystem manages windowing :h2.BIF/Paint :p. The BIF/Paint subsystem manages simple painting. :euserdoc.