#include //Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #define APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #include "windows.h" #undef APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #include "wizard.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // ICON EXE_ICONDISCARDABLE wizard.ico ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // MENU WIZARDMENUDISCARDABLE BEGIN SUBMENU "~Options",9000 BEGIN MENUITEM "~Run Performance Review Wizard..." ,IDM_WIZARD MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E~xit" ,IDM_EXIT END SUBMENU "~Help",9001 BEGIN MENUITEM "~About..." ,IDM_ABOUT END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // DLGTEMPLATE ABOUTBOX DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "About the Wizard Sample", ABOUTBOX, 160,78,144,77, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN PUSHBUTTON "OK", DID_OK, 54,12,40,14,WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Review Wizard version 1.0", 0xffff, 28,52,92,8,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK LTEXT "written by Nancy Cluts", 0xffff, 36,42,76,8,DT_WORDBREAK LTEXT "Microsoft Developer Network", 0xffff, 25,32,99,8,DT_WORDBREAK END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_WORKHABITS DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Work Habits", IDD_WORKHABITS, 0,0,276,140, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Check the box which most appropriately describes your typical working day.", IDC_STATIC, 7,115,243,13,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK AUTORADIOBUTTON "I come in early, stay late, and work during lunch and on weekends.", IDC_WORKHAB1, 11,90,239,11,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "Nine to Five. Period.", IDC_WORKHAB2, 11,70,170,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "Hey, I'm on flex time. Don't hassle me!", IDC_WORKHAB3, 11,49,164,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I come in to pick up my paycheck and for a free soda.", IDC_WORKHAB4, 11,30,199,10,WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_TEAMWORK DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Team Work", IDD_TEAMWORK, 0,0,276,140, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Check the statement that most accurately describes how well you work ", IDC_STATIC, 23,121,223,10,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK LTEXT "with your team mates.", IDC_STATIC, 99,109,70,10,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK AUTORADIOBUTTON "I actively mentor and support my co-workers.", IDC_TEAMWORK1, 7,87,163,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I can get through meetings without killing anyone.", IDC_TEAMWORK2, 8,68,178,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I work well by myself.", IDC_TEAMWORK3, 7,48,166,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I plagiarize and steal my co-workers work.", IDC_TEAMWORK4, 6,30,162,10,WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_RELIABILITY DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Reliability", IDD_RELIABILITY, 0,0,276,140, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Pick the statement that most accurately describes your reliability.", IDC_STATIC, 33,117,207,9,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK AUTORADIOBUTTON "I will volunteer for any and all projects, no matter how menial or humiliating.", IDC_RELIABILITY1, 15,94,248,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I can be counted on during working hours. Period.", IDC_RELIABILITY2, 16,74,211,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I can be counted on to cover my butt.", IDC_RELIABILITY3, 15,54,209,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I routinely pass the buck.", IDC_RELIABILITY4, 15,34,185,10,WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_GOALS DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Attainment of Goals", IDD_GOALS, 0,0,276,140, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Pick the statement that most accurately describes your goal attainment.", IDC_STATIC, 27,119,234,11,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK AUTORADIOBUTTON "I have exceeded every goal in less time than required.", IDC_GOALS1, 9,96,233,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I do exactly what my job requires. No more. No less.", IDC_GOALS2, 7,79,195,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I only did fun things.", IDC_GOALS3, 9,59,187,11,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I attended a meeting once.", IDC_GOALS4, 10,41,137,10,WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_ADAPTATION DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Adaptation", IDD_ADAPTATION, 0,0,273,140, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Pick the statement that most accurately reflects how well you adapt to change.", IDC_STATIC, 8,121,256,11,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK AUTORADIOBUTTON "Change is simply a new and exciting challenge. I thrive on change.", IDC_ADAPTATION1, 8,92,255,10,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "I don't mind change so long as it doesn't affect me.", IDC_ADAPTATION2, 9,73,225,9,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "If I don't get a window office, I quit!", IDC_ADAPTATION3, 9,53,221,9,WS_TABSTOP AUTORADIOBUTTON "Change is bad. Change is evil. Change things and I'll kill you.", IDC_ADAPTATION4, 9,33,252,10,WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDD_INFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Who Are You?", IDD_INFO, 0,0,235,127, WS_VISIBLE|FS_DLGBORDER, FCF_TITLEBAR|FCF_SYSMENU|FCF_DLGBORDER PRESPARAMS PP_FONTNAMESIZE, "8.MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Name:", IDC_STATIC, 14,105,29,7,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK EDITTEXT "", IDE_NAME, 45,102,178,8,WS_TABSTOP|ES_LEFT|ES_AUTOSCROLL|ES_MARGIN LTEXT "Title:", IDC_STATIC, 14,80,29,7,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK EDITTEXT "", IDE_TITLE, 46,79,177,8,WS_TABSTOP|ES_LEFT|ES_AUTOSCROLL|ES_MARGIN LTEXT "Main Project:", IDC_STATIC, 13,53,46,14,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK EDITTEXT "", IDE_PROJECT, 59,57,164,8,WS_TABSTOP|ES_LEFT|ES_AUTOSCROLL|ES_MARGIN LTEXT "Department:", IDC_STATIC, 13,31,41,10,WS_GROUP|DT_WORDBREAK EDITTEXT "", IDE_DEPARTMENT, 57,32,166,8,WS_TABSTOP|ES_LEFT|ES_AUTOSCROLL|ES_MARGIN END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLEDISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_WORKHAB1 "My devotion to my work and my loyalty to the company is evidenced in the long hours that I work. " IDC_WORKHAB2 "I am able to accomplish my many tasks within normal working hours and without necessitating over time. Thus saving the company money in overtime costs. " IDC_WORKHAB3 "I finish my work in less than the allotted time in a work day, making me available for other responsibilities. " IDC_WORKHAB4 "My experiment with telecommuting has been a great success as evidenced by the ease with which my absence has been handled. " IDC_TEAMWORK1 "My life revolves around my team and I consistently offer them assistance in their daily tasks. " IDC_TEAMWORK2 "My ability to work well within the team is evidenced by my ability to keep a cool head during times of stress on the team. " IDC_TEAMWORK3 "My self-sufficiency allows members of the team to work with others thereby provided a more cohesive team. " IDC_TEAMWORK4 "I excel at sustaining my concentration and avoid confrontation with others. " END STRINGTABLEDISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_RELIABILITY1 "I can be counted on to take on the important and complex projects and to finish them. " IDC_RELIABILITY2 "Throughout the working day, I am always available for consultation. " IDC_RELIABILITY3 "I demonstrate the uncanny ability of determining the root cause of problems. " IDC_RELIABILITY4 "I am able to delegate responsibility with ease. " IDC_GOALS1 "I find it challenging and exciting to meet and surpass all of the goals that are set for me. " IDC_GOALS2 "I consistenly meet the expectations that are made for a person in my position. " IDC_GOALS3 "I demonstrate an exceptional sense of which goals are important and when it is ineffective to continue work on a project. " IDC_GOALS4 "I accept new job assignments willingly and enthusiastically. " IDC_ADAPTATION1 "The many reorganizations and changes that have been made in the past year have had an invorating effect upon my work. " IDC_ADAPTATION2 "I am able to handle the changes within the company in other groups with ease and calm. " IDC_ADAPTATION3 "In the face of diversity and change, I am able to determine when to bring attention to possible negative outcomes. " IDC_ADAPTATION4 "I take responsibility for identifying management problems. " END #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED