Documentaion for Pwgen Pwgen is PUBLIC DOMAIN (placing the statement here makes is easier for all you SysOp's) Pwgen generates random passwords. It uses a sample file for analysing possible characters combination. The advantage of this method over the true random generation is that true random password are difficult to remember. The passwords Pwgen generates are random too, but they are very likely to be pronounceable and therefore easier to remember. Example: Where a random password generator could generate: crtrxtz, 9s78fjsd, 2l=j5m7ml or x0by%xop Pwgen could generate: terapy, Yorite.m, usswile or stheaven Usage: pwgen [passwords] the file used for computing possible character combinations. [passwords] the number of passwords to generate. The default is 1. A side effect of using a sample text file for generation is that if you use an English text the passwords will look English, and if you use a Danish text you will get Danish passwords! Files included in this archive: pwgen.c C source for Pwgen pwgen.exe Executable file pwgen.doc This document sample.txt Sample text file