Package dk.i1.diameter.node

Diameter node classes.


Interface Summary
ConnectionListener A connection setup/tear-down observer.
MessageDispatcher A incoming message dispatcher.
NodeValidator Validate peers and their claimed capabilities The implementations of NodeValidator handle the verification that we know the node(s) when they connect, and calculate the resulting capabilities/roles we allow the nodes.

Class Summary
Capability A bag of supported/allowed applications.
ConnectionKey A connection identifier.
DefaultNodeValidator Default node validator.
Node A Diameter node.
NodeManager A Node manager.
NodeSettings Configuration for a node.
NodeSettings.PortRange A port range
Peer A Diameter peer.
RelevantSCTPAuthInfo Peer authentication information (SCTP).
SimpleSyncClient A simple Diameter client that support synchronous request-answer calls.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
ConnectionTimeoutException ConnectionTimeout exception.
EmptyHostNameException A peer hostname was empty.
InvalidSettingException Invalid NodeSettings exception.
NotAnAnswerException A message was not an answer This exception is thrown when trying to send a Message with a sendAnswer() or forwardAnswer() method but the message was marked as a request.
NotARequestException A message was not a request.
NotProxiableException A message was not proxiable.
NotRoutableException A message was not routable.
StaleConnectionException A reference to a closed connection was detected.
UnsupportedTransportProtocolException Unsupported transport protocol exception.
UnsupportedURIException Thrown when giving Peer.Peer(URI) or Peer.fromURIString(String) an unsupported URI.

Package dk.i1.diameter.node Description

Diameter node classes. This package contains classes for dealing with and implementing Diameter nodes.

How to create a node:

  1. The first step in creating a Diameter Node is creating a set of capabilities. This is later on used for negotiating with peers. The capability set includes supported applications and vendor-IDs.
  2. The next step is creating a NodeSettings instance. A NodeSettings instance specifies the settings for your node including the capabilities, host-ID, etc.
  3. Then you are ready to create a Node, and NodeManager or SessionManager.